I listen to hours and hours of podcasts every day while I'm working on my online business. There are a few topics that I gravitate towards... Natural Sciences, Skepticism and Tech News . Currently, I subscribe to 44 podcasts. That's right...
44. A little while back when I was just at 20 podcasts, I had a terrifying moment when I ran out of things to listen to, so I scrambled around the iTunes store to beef up my inventory... and that's how I ended up like
this. I
NEVER have to listen to myself think again.
Anyway, there are naturally a select few podcasts that I really look forward to. I will tell you one from each category...
Science: I absolutely LOVE Quirks & Quarks from CBC Radio (go Canada!). I know there's no practical reason to know how an alligators' lungs work or how a Neaderthal would have said "e" but it keeps me glued to my computer speakers anyway.
Skepticism: Another favorite (LOVE LOVE LOVE) is The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe. I would be happy just listening to that all day long. It has made me more aware of my own skeptical thinking (which I do naturally but more is better) and, well, it makes me feel smart.
Tech News: I probably have the most podcasts in this category but one in particular stands out... not because it is the most educational but because it is the most entertaining for me. It is called "The 404" from CNET. You see, most of my tech podcasts are made in California where they think they're in the centre of the tech universe (because they are). The 404 is created in New York which is a location close to Toronto but more importantly, close to my heart. (In fact, I just got back on Tuesday from a 5 day visit.) I feel like I can relate to these guys and best of all, they crack me up.
So, what does all this have to do with my blog title? After listening to the 404 last Tuesday, I decided I would call them up and leave them a voice message. There is a certain format to follow: "
hi, this is ___ calling from ____ and you're listening to the 404, where ____". I wanted to say something that would let them know I'm a regular listener by referring to a previous podcast, a.k.a. an inside joke. It accidentally came out a bit provocative which I totally didn't mean to do. I guess I shouldn't have used my sexy bedroom voice. The next day I was going about my regular routine of working and listening to the latest 404 episode and then, after the commercial break I hear a familiar voice... MY OWN! How exciting! So, my big break happens on the 404, episode #118 at 12 minutes and 46 seconds. By the way, I'll kick Stephanie Kim's ass any day of the week, whoever she is.