Old computer, you're not being replaced... you're just not good enough anymore. New computer is younger, shinier and less screwed up than you. I don't know how to say this, but you have a lot of "baggage" - you're littered with useless stray data and old .exe files. It's nothing personal... but it's time you step aside.
New computer with your non-broken screen and you're empty documents folder. I hope I'm not being bold but I think I love you. The rage and disgust will surely come... but let's not think about that while we're in our honeymoon phase.
Ok, back to normal. My new Dell Inspiron arrived yesterday with Purolator. I opened it up and immidiately blemished the beautiful black casing with my smudgy fingerprints. It's taking me all day to upload my files and install software. I'm nowhere near done - it will probably take me another day. I bought a 12" mini at the same time and that has not arrived... when should I start worrying?
By the way, could you tell I was writing this blog post from my new computer? Night and day! ;)
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