Friday, January 16, 2009

Debbie in LosAngeles, continued

Friday, January 16
- the usual (do I even need to tell you at this point? We are creatures of habit.)
- started to drive without the GPS... Santa Monica, Venice Beach (got out and walked barefoot along the beach), Merina Del Ray, LAX (not on purpose), Manhattan Beach, and finally 3rd Street Promenade where we sat down for an early dinner at Bravo Cucina. My meal came with a side salad and the dressing was so good that I inhaled all the greens on my plate before I even tasted my main dish. It was herby and incredibly flavourful. Light yet creamy. If they sold it, I would have bought a bottle. The waiter was kind enough to give me a small container to bring home to my sister.
- nap, put boys to bed, cheese plate with the adults and a movie, laptop, bed.

"But all the kids in my class are nose-pickers!"
"One kiss is a hundred hugs... and a hug is 2... actually, a hug is 51 minus 2."
"What's a googleplex plus infinity?"
- Nephew "O"

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